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Police see black children as less innocent and less young than white
11, 2014
a new study published in the Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, researchers asked college students and police officers to
estimate the ages of young children who they were told had committed a crime
(both misdemeanors and felonies). In both groups, respondents were far more
likely to overestimate the ages of young black boys than young white boys; they
were also less likely to view black children as innocent.
in most societies are considered to be in a distinct group with characteristics
such as innocence and the need for protection," study author and professor of
psychology at UCLA Phillip Atiba Goff said of the study. "Our research found
that black boys can be seen as responsible for their actions at an age when
white boys still benefit from the assumption that children are essentially
goal of the study, according to researchers, was to determine the extent to
which respondents dehumanized young black children, and how this racist
dehumanization can lead to violence and unjust treatment. "[I]f human childhood
affords protections against harsh, adult-like treatment, then in contexts where
these children are dehumanized, they can be treated with adult severity" -
specifically in the criminal justice system, researchers wrote.
The research is a disturbing snapshot of
racism in America and its consequences for black children. "Most children are
allowed to be innocent until adulthood," researchers wrote, "black children may
be perceived as innocent only until deemed suspicious."
Photo of 12 Year old Tamir Rice, Killed by Cleveland Police Provided by
The Black Star Project - (photo Source)
OCTOBER 10, 2014
1,217 deadly police shootings from 2010 to 2012 captured in the federal data
show that blacks, age 15 to 19, were killed at a rate of 31.17 per million,
while just 1.47 per million white males in that age range died at the hands of
police," a new ProPublica report explains, noting that if whites were killed at
the same ratio there would have been another 185 white deaths, just during that
three-year period, just of those in that narrow age range.
arrive at this statistic, ProPublica analyzed the list of 12,000 police shooting
deaths that were self-reported by agencies to the Federal Bureau of
Investigation between 1980 and 2012. Because this data is self-reported and
departments are not required to submit information, this data likely
significantly undercounts the number of shootings. Florida departments, for
example, haven't submitted data since 1997 and New York City hasn't submitted
data since 2007. And the FBI asks only for "justifiable
homicide"figures, meaning in those instances where the shootings are most
overtly viewed as unjustified or the litigation is ongoing, departments are less
likely to report.
assessing available data may provide the best insight we have into how grave
racial disparities in police violence are, particularly when it comes to young
black men, who were stopped by NYPD officers in 2011 more
times than the total number of young black men in New York City.
Unsurprisingly, past analyses have also found
disproportionate violence against blacks, including a 2007 investigation by
Colorlines and the Chicago Reporter in 10 major cities. An NAACP report of
Oakland, California, found that 37 of 45 police-involved shootings were of
blacks, while zero were of whites. "Although weapons were not found in 40
percent of cases, the NAACP found, no officers were charged," Mother Jones reported.
of human and police behavior suggest that racial bias is baked into policing,
particularly because individuals misperceive the threat posed by African
Americans. Nonetheless, a 2012 poll after the George Zimmerman verdict found
that that the gap between whites and blacks who think the justice system is
biased was greater than ever.
10 Rules of Survival When A Young
Black Man Is Stopped by the Police in America
Dare To Be King Project founder
David Miller created a flyer with 10 Rules of Survival If Stopped By Police that
has went viral. The Dare To Be King Project inspires, supports and strengthens
organizations that provide services to boys of color. With the death of
Ferguson, MO unarmed teen Mike Brown, and hundreds more young Black men this
year, many are looking for answers and ways to end these senseless killing at
the hands of officers.
50,000 young Black men and
boys will be mentored
with a curriculum of
Black Male Achievement
National Mentoring
January 2015
Will your elementary school, high school, college,
church, fraternity, community organization, youth organization, sports team,
street organization (gang), youth detainment facility or any other organization
that has control of the minds of young Black men and boys join this mentoring
effort any day during the month of January 2015, but most notably on Dr. Martin
Luther King's Birthday, Monday, January 19, 2015?
3-hour mentoring session on Black Male Achievement includes:
- What
is The Black Male Achievement Movement?
- Module
on Black History and Culture
- Module
on Family Development and Fatherhood
- Module
on Education and Learning
- Module
on Economics, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development
- A
Review of 100 Historical, Highly-Principled Black Male Achievers
- A
Certificate of Completion for Youth Participating in the Black Male Achievement
Mentoring Session
For More Information, Please call
773.285.9600 or Click Here to register for a Black
Male Achievement mentoring session today.
See Film Premiere of
Afraid of Dark
Directed by
Chicago's Own, Mya B.
Saturday, December
6, 2014
1:00 CST
Chicago Cultural
Center's Cassidy Theater
77 East Randolph
is everyone so afraid of black men?" In her new documentary, "Afraid of Dark",
filmmaker Mya B. attempts to answer this question. In examining two of the most
prevalent stereotypes about the black man as the brute and as the Mandingo we
are led on a journey to understanding how the fear of these stereotypes have
contributed to the rates of violence and incarceration against black men. We
see how racism uses black on black crime and other unfortunate occurrences in
black communities as justification for attacks on black males by police and
citizen vigilantes alike.
Film Cast:
Cornel West, Tom Burrell, Sadat X, General Steele, Malik Yoba, Vondie Curtis
Hall, Lou Myers, Kevin Powell, Brooklyn Borough President - Eric Adams, Peter
Gunz, Phillips Verner Bradford, Dr. Khalil Muhammad, Malakot Baker, Kenya K.
Stevens, Dr. Sunni Ali, Infmega, Hasan Salaam, Mikeflo, Sam Reynolds, Miles
McAfee, Umi, DJ Hard Hittin Harry, Chen lo, Chris Rob, Dr. Herukhuti, Sam
Greenlee, and many more amazing men...
Film Screening and Panel Discussion;
Sponsored and presented by ImageNation
Cinema Foundation and the Illinois Humanities Council
Open a Bank Account for $10 and
Earn a Free Membership to The DuSable Museum of African American
School Superintendents: Vital or Irrelevant?
By Matthew M. Chingos, Grover J. "Russ"
Whitehurst and Katharine M. Lindquist
September 3,
In recent years, research has
confirmed that teachers, principals, and school districts have meaningful
effects on students' academic achievement. But what about the highly visible
person in charge of the school district? As the highest ranking official in a
district, the superintendent receives a lot of credit when things go well, and
just as much blame when they don't. But there is almost no quantitative
research that addresses the impact of superintendents on student learning
outcomes. "School Superintendents: Vital or Irrelevant?" provides some of the
first empirical evidence on the topic.
In this report, the authors
examine the extent to which school district effects on student learning are due
to the superintendent in charge, as compared to characteristics of districts
that are independent of their leaders. Analyzing student-level data from the
states of Florida and North Carolina for the school years 2000-01 to 2009-10,
the authors find that:
- School district superintendent is largely a short-term job. The typical
superintendent has been in the job for three to four years.
- Student achievement does not improve with longevity of superintendent
service within their districts.
- Hiring a new superintendent is not associated with higher student
- Superintendents account for a very small fraction (0.3 percent) of student
differences in achievement. This effect, while statistically significant, is
orders of magnitude smaller than that associated with any other major component
of the education system, including: measured and unmeasured student
characteristics; teachers; schools; and districts.
- Individual superintendents who have an exceptional impact on student
achievement cannot be reliably identified.
Variance in Fourth and Fifth Grade Student Achievement in Mathematics Associated
with Various Influences, North Carolina, 2000-01 to 2009-10 
Ultimately, the authors conclude
that when district academic achievement improves or deteriorates, the
superintendent is likely to be playing a part in an ensemble performance in
which the superintendent's role could be filled successfully by many others. In
the end, it is the system that promotes or hinders student achievement.
Superintendents are largely indistinguishable.
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"The Short Shelf Life of Urban School
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