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Incarceration Has Worsened Disparities Between Black, White
By Holly Yettick
April 18, 2014
A pair of sociologists has taken
a ruler to the role that parental incarceration plays in childhood inequality,
only to learn that a measuring wheel might have been a more appropriate
By contrast, that rate was 14
percent for black babies born just 12 years earlier, in 1978. What happened
between those two periods is that the U.S. incarceration rate exploded; it is
currently both the highest in the world and the highest it has ever been.
For whites, the percentages of
children with incarcerated parents also increased, but remained much lower.
About 3 percent of white babies born in 1990 had witnessed parental
incarceration by age 14, as compared to 1 percent of white babies born in
The study focused on black and
white children because the differences are starker and also because large-scale
data sets have classified Hispanics inconsistently throughout the years, making
it difficult to assess the impact of parental incarceration.
"We anticipate that the results
we discuss here would apply in much the same direction (if not magnitude) to
Hispanic children," the authors write.
Overall, more than 3
percent of American children (2.7 million) have a parent in prison on any given
most instances," Wakefield and Wildeman state, "the removal of a parent makes a
bad situation worse."
As a result, children whose
fathers have been incarcerated fare worse than similar children whose fathers
have not been locked up. For instance, they have higher rates of problems with
mental health and behavior.
Wakefield and Wildeman also found that the large
increases in parental incarceration over time increased the disparities between
black and white children's behavioral problems.
Children with incarcerated
parents are also more likely than similar children to end up homeless. Wakefield
and Wildeman conclude that the black-white gap in childhood homelessness would
have been 26 percent to 65 percent smaller had mass imprisonment never
Finally, children of incarcerated
fathers are more likely to die before the age of 1.
The Parent Revolution Hits the

South Side
1:30 pm to
3:00 pm
864 E.
64th Street
Please call
773.285.9600 for more information
Black Teachers
America Respond to Being
"Structured Out" of Education
Shambra Mulder, LEXINGTON,
KY - It is happening right her in
Lexington, KY!
Sheila Taylor, CHICAGO, IL - I am one of the black teachers who has been
"structured out" of a permanent position. Why is it that as an
educator with 2 Masters degrees and over 12 years experience, I now am not
desirable as a candidate for a position?
Jennifer Saunders, HIGH POINT, NC - I am one of the NYC African American Teachers who was
illegally terminated and pushed out and who has helped to mount teacher
campaigns using the NYS Courts and the US Federal Courts and the Public Employee
Relations Board to hold the NYC Department of Education and United Federation of
Teachers accountable to no avail over the last 10 years. I agree with this
petition and request an investigation into the massive termination of African
American teachers throughout the country.
Jones-Chaney, CHICAGO,
IL - I am an African American teacher in the middle of an ULP, Unfair
Labor Practice Hearing in which I am on the brink of losing my
Linda George, PARAMOUNT, CA - Because I am a victim of this practice.
Finnos Coleman ST. LOUIS, MO - I am a teacher who was deemed incompetent.
YOLANDA WALKER, FAR ROCKAWAY, NY - I am slated for termination for the same reasons you
Edna Rhambo, AUSTIN, TX - I was a teacher for twenty five plus years and I
experienced many threats.
Jenean Simmons, CHICAGO, IL - Teacher who has been unable to obtain a full-time
teaching position after 13 years of teaching.
Rodney Pruitt, CHICAGO, IL - I was terminated from a special education school due to
"low enrollment" when the office, who only sent. students through their own
referrals, "strangled" us off. I am a special education endorsed teacher with
two Masters degrees who mysteriously cannot be rehired, even when I have applied
to everything. Add to that the fact that I became active and gave speeches for
the Chicago Teachers Union. Unfortunately, my issues are not the exception. Our
city government has used Black teachers as a "tool" for accelerating
gentrification, with the Mayor's blessing. Considering his ties to the Obama
administration and the Secretary of Education, one can expect no address of
these issues. Even the teachers union has gone silent on the issue as another
prominent component of the African-American middle class is being closed out.
I appeal to the Justice Department to
investigate the actions of the City of Chicago and its Board of Education beyond
the acceptance of "official statements" and connect these actions to forced
gentrification of our neighborhoods.
Dr. Wayne X. Davenport, CHARLOTTE, NC - I'm one of the African teacher unfairly let go after
being named one of the best in the district but failed annual teacher evaluation
in Charlotte, NC.
Ursula Scott, PORT ORANGE, FL - I was a victim of this same practice in 1990 in the
state of FL.
Carol Hudson, CHICAGO, IL - It important to me because, I lost my job after 20 years
of service.
Please contact the following authorities with
your concerns:
- Attorney General, Eric H. Holder, Jr.,-
- United States Secretary of Education, Arne
Duncan - 1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327)
- White House Initiative on Educational
Excellence for African Americans (WHIEEAA) David Johns - Executive Director -
- White House - Comments:
202-456-1111, Switchboard: 202-456-1414
Click Here to sign a petition in support of this issue and/or to leave a comment on how being "structured
out" of the American education system has affected your
The Black Star
Is Looking For A Few Good
to Mentor Black

Mentors Will Meet to Plan on
April 24, 2014, 6:30 pm
The Black
Star Project
3509 South
King Drive
Chicago, Illinois
Please call 773.285.9600 for more
Young girls 9 to 14 years old should call
us at 773.285.9600 to become part of this program.
Black Men United
are sponsoring
No Murders In
Mother's Day

Black Men United in partnership with Goodwill
Industries Omaha and Risen Son Baptist Church are challenging the city of Omaha
to stop killing one another for at least one
No Murders in May is a gift
we are asking all of Omaha to give to their mothers and grandmothers whose
children will not be able to be with them or to wish them a Happy Mothers Day!
We are pleading with the community to rally around the theme of mothers. In
honor of our mothers and our grandmothers and in honor of our children; No
Murders In May!
We will be honoring mothers and grandmothers who have
lost their children to violence with a Mothers Day Luncheon on Saturday, May 10,
2014 11:00am to 1:00pm at the Goodwill Industries Durham
Our guest speakers this year will be Ms. Amy Hadan who
lost her 24 yr old daughter on December 15, 2013 at 108th and Q Street when her
daughter, a mother and pre school teacher heard gunfire and while trying to run
from it, ran into the line of fire and Tabatha Manning who lost her 5 year old
daughter Payton Benson while she was sitting at her kitchen table eating
breakfast. We are so appreciative that these two strong dynamic women have
agreed to participate.
We hope in some small way, this
luncheon shows the love, support and admiration we have for our mothers and
grandmothers who have had to bury their child. Today! We honor and salute
Click Here to Register for
No Murders in May Mother's Day Luncheon.
Study Shows
to Parents Best Way to Increase Student Success
(Kuni Takahashi/Getty
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Over the past 50 years, remarkable progress has been
made ensuring that children receive basic education. More than 60 percent of
adults in low-income countries can read and write, whereas in 1962, just
one-third were literate. Today, nearly nine in 10 children around the world
complete primary school.
Thus, Peter Orazem considers three strategies that seem
to offer the best evidence of success to date: nutrition supplements,
offering information on returns to schooling, and conditional cash transfers for
school attendance. All have been shown to succeed with benefits that
exceed the costs.
It may seem surprising to focus
on nutrition to achieve better schooling, but malnourished children learn
poorly. Insuring proper nutrition when brain development is occurring makes a
significant difference.
Increasing the years a child
spends in school simply by providing accurate information to kids and parents on
the returns of education schooling is another promising and relatively
inexpensive intervention.
Finally, Orazem argues that the most consistent evidence
of success in recent years comes from making payments to underprivileged parents
conditional on their children attending school.
These programs-known as
conditional cash transfers--have consistently increased child attendance, even
when the transfer is modest.
Administrative costs have been
lower than those of other social interventions. In addition to positive
schooling outcomes, these transfers have lowered the poverty rate, improved the
nutritional status of poor households, and have increased the proportion of
children receiving vaccinations and other health services. While there is great
variance in performance, a dollar spent on such programs on average
produces benefits of about $9.
Because the programs increase the
intensity of child investment in school as well as child time in school, they
help to break the cycle of poverty whereby poor parents underinvest in their
children's schooling and doom their children to poverty.
Yet, cash-transfers programs are much more expensive
than nutrition or health interventions. That might explain why cash transfer
programs are concentrated in wealthier countries while nutrition programs
typically focus on the poorest countries.
Lomborg is a Nobel Laureate in
"You want to educate your
Black children? Then you
will go to jail!!!"
Kelley Williams-Bolar was jailed for seeking the best
education for her daughters. She will speak to parents and educators about
education for poor, Black children and their families in American
Saturday, May
10, 2014
1:00 pm at The MET
(Metropolitan Apostolic Church)
4100 South King Drive
Chicago, Illinois
Ms. Williams-Bolar has paid a high price to educate her
children. Are you willing to invest 2 hours of your time to hear Ms.
Williams-Bolar discuss education in America?
and The Black Star Project are asking churches, social service organizations,
businesses, schools, universities, street organizations, government agencies or
individuals to sponsor Ms. Williams-Bolar's coming to Chicago for this
call 773.285.9600 to RSVP or to contribute to this cause. There will be a
special reception with Ms. Williams-Bolar and her daughters for those who
support this cause.
Freedom Is Not
- Do you like our E-Newsletter?
- Do you listen to our radio show?
- Is our work needed?
- Is educating Black children important to
If so, please
support The Black Star Project
by becoming a dues-paying
Will you
support our important work by signing up here to contribute only $10.00 per
month to our life-changing work? And will you please ask 5 of your friends to do
the same?
is not free!
The Black
Star Project
phone -
Click Here to contribute only
$10.00 per month to The Black Star Project
Click Here to make a one-time
annual contribution to The Black Star Project
Click Here to learn more about the
work of The Black Star Project
you may send checks or money orders to:
Black Star Project
South King Drive, Suite 2B
Illinois 60653
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