• A Week of Action: Living on the Minimum Wage:
Guest blogger Ann Pratt, executive director of the Progressive States Network,
recounts Connecticut state Sen. Gary Holder-Winfield's attempt to live on a
minimum wage budget. Connecticut recently became the first state to increase its
minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.
• Baseball and Work-Life Balance: Laura
Fortman, principal deputy administrator for the Wage and Hour Division, weighs
in on New York Mets second baseman Daniel Murphy's decision to take family leave
for the birth of his son.
• Mining's Changing Culture — 4 Years After
UBB: Four years after 29 miners were killed at the Upper Big Branch Mine in
West Virginia, Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health Joseph Main
assesses how the agency's numerous actions in its wake have led to a changing
culture in the mining industry.
This week's phrase is I for ILO. The United States
is a member of the International Labour Organization, a United Nations agency
that promotes rights at work; quality employment; strong social protection
programs; and productive dialogue among governments, employers and workers. The
department's Bureau of International Labor Affairs serves as the lead agency to
the ILO.
Learning Is Lifelong
Serving as the keynote speaker for the National Journal's
"Points of Leverage" conference on April 8, Secretary Perez focused on
investments cultivated throughout a worker's life cycle. Ron Brownstein,
Atlantic Media's editorial director, moderated the discussion, during which
Perez elaborated on the Department of Labor's role throughout the many stages of
life. Whether it's providing skills through apprenticeships, Youth
CareerConnect, TAACCCT or American Job Centers, the department plays a critical
role in training individuals of all ages and at different points in their
career. "We're doing our best to strengthen and lift up the remarkable
possibilities of apprenticeship in America... There is a bright future for
people who work with their hands," Perez told the audience of about 100 people.
He added that "skills development is lifelong" and community colleges play a
critical role in "upskilling" the country's workforce.
New Rule Is Making a Difference
Drawing a link between his civil rights background and his
responsibilities as labor secretary, Secretary Perez delivered the capstone
address at the University of the District of Columbia's Law Review Symposium on
April 4, recognizing the 50th anniversary of the "war on poverty." Perez
highlighted several areas where the department is working to fight poverty and
economic inequality: the minimum wage, overtime, equal pay for women and
long-term unemployment. He also spoke with pride about the new rule guaranteeing
wage protections for home health care workers: "The home health workers are
great examples of why I love my job. Because it's not that often that you come
home, you talk to my 11-year-old and he says, 'Dad, what did you do today?'
'Well, I helped a couple million people get a raise.'"
Focus on Trafficking in Persons
President Obama's Interagency Taskforce to Monitor and
Combat Trafficking in Persons held its annual meeting on April 8 at the White
House, and Secretary Perez attended on behalf of the Labor Department. The
meeting was chaired by Secretary of State John Kerry and included several senior
administration officials and Cabinet members, including White House Chief of
Staff Dennis McDonough; Secretaries Sally Jewell (Interior), Anthony Foxx
(Transportation) and Jeh Johnson (Homeland Security); Deputy National Security
Advisor Tony Blinken; USAID Administrator Rajiv J. Shah; EEOC Chair Jacqueline
A. Berrien; and Tina Tchen, executive director of the White House Council on
Women and Girls. Perez spoke about his long experience with trafficking, and the
great progress he has seen since his days as a young trial attorney at a time
when almost nobody was talking about it. He stressed the importance of working
with federal partners, state enforcement agencies, nonprofit organizations and
foreign governments to address this complex issue.
'Disability Matters'
More than 200 corporate executives gathered at Morgan's
Wonderland in San Antonio, Texas, for the 2014 Disability Matters conference
where, on April 9, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs Director
Patricia A. Shiu delivered the keynote address. The annual conference, held at
the world's first ultra-accessible family theme park, brings together employers
from across North America to discuss best practices for improving employment
opportunities for people with disabilities. Shiu discussed the department's new
rule designed to improve employment opportunities for qualified workers with
disabilities by establishing, for the first time ever, a 7 percent employment
goal for federal contractors. "This is the story of America," she said. "It's a
story of ever-expanding rights, ever-deepening responsibilities and
ever-increasing diversity."
Helping Families in Rhode Island
Last summer, Rhode Island became the third state to pass a
law creating a paid leave insurance program. Women's Bureau Director Latifa
Lyles and Regional Administrator Jackie Cooke met with officials of the Rhode
Island Department of Labor and Training's Office of Temporary Disability
Insurance on April 7 to learn about the new Temporary Care Insurance program
implemented in January. Later that day, Lyles joined Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode
Island and the Women's Fund of Rhode Island to deliver a keynote address on what
inequality means today for working women and their families. Lyles announced the
White House Summit on Working Families, inviting participants to join the
regional Summit event in Boston on May 19.
Observing Equal Pay Day
This year, Equal Pay Day fell on April 8, which marked the
number of additional days in 2014 the average woman has to work to earn as much
her male counterpart in 2013. In Houston, Women's Bureau Special Assistant
Paulette Lewis joined state Rep. Senfronia Thompson and nearly 150 women's
organizations to mark the day. Regional representatives co-hosted an Equal Pay
Day event at the University of Missouri to inform women and men of the current
wage gap and the importance of economic security. And in Illinois, Women's
Bureau Program Analyst Deborah Pascal joined Gov. Pat Quinn at an Equal Pay Day
rally in Chicago's Daley Plaza. The rally, hosted by the Chicago Equal Pay Day
Coalition, was designed to raise awareness on the issue of equal pay. Similar
events were held in Boston and San Francisco.
Alliance for Philippine Nationals
The Dallas and Chicago Occupational Safety and Health
Administration regional offices signed an alliance with Consul General of the
Philippines Leo M. Herrera-Lim recently in Chicago. The goal of the alliance is
to establish a collaborative relationship to keep workers safe and healthy on
the job by increasing access to education and training resources that promote
worker rights and employer knowledge of their responsibilities under the
Occupational Safety and Health Act. Alliance participants include Philippine
nationals employed in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Illinois, Wisconsin and
Ohio. Some of the serious safety and health issues the alliance will focus on
involve fall prevention, electrocution, heat illness, exposure to hazardous
chemicals and struck-by dangers.
Working Families Forum in Atlanta
The Women's Bureau, along with several nonprofit
organizations, hosted a Working Families Forum in Atlanta on April 10 to discuss
pay equality and the challenges encountered by working families. More than 80
people attended the forum, which featured a panel of leaders from the Atlanta
community, including Nan Orrock, state senator for Georgia's 36th District, and
Carlis V. Williams, regional administrator for the Department of Health and
Human Services' Administration for Children and Families. Williams summed up the
theme of the forum by saying, "You shouldn't have to risk your job to take care
of your family and you shouldn't have to risk your family to take care of your
Planting Seeds in Vermont
From wages to working conditions to housing, the Wage and
Hour Division regularly interacts with farmers. To help Vermont farmers and
farmworkers get a head start on knowing and understanding their responsibilities
and rights, representatives from the division's district and regional offices
participated in an April 4 workshop sponsored by the Vermont Farm Bureau.
"Navigating Federal Laws on Farm Labor" included presentations on coverage and
exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Migrant and Seasonal
Workers Protection Act; the H-2A visa program; and the division's investigative
process. More than 100 representatives from agricultural employers, government,
business and advocacy organizations participated. "We're doing a little planting
of our own, with our harvest being proper pay and treatment for workers," said
WHD District Director Daniel Cronin.
Fostering Inclusive Workplaces
"When it comes to employing qualified workers with
disabilities and protected veterans... we're in the business of getting things
done," Kathy Martinez said to members of the American Bar Association's
Commission on Disability Rights in California on April 9. Martinez, the
assistant secretary of labor for disability employment policy, was referencing
recent updates to Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Vietnam Era
Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act — both enforced by the Office of Federal
Contract Compliance Programs — that will improve employment opportunities for
people with disabilities and veterans. In a panel discussion that also covered
recent enforcement actions on behalf of Rhode Islanders with intellectual
disabilities, Martinez highlighted her agency's work supporting national efforts
to promote community-based, integrated employment for people with significant
Engaging with Faith Leaders
The department played an active part in Maryland Sen. Ben
Cardin's recent clergy summit. Phil Tom, director of the Center for Faith-based
and Neighborhood Partnerships, encouraged faith leaders at the April 4 gathering
to assist job seekers and vulnerable workers. Tom informed summit participants
about the department's workforce development and worker protection programs, and
urged them to get involved in a way that can help members of their congregations
and communities get ahead and stay safe on the job. On April 7, Ben Seigel of
the Employment and Training Administration participated in Cardin's grants
workshop for nonprofits, encouraging organizational involvement in Department of
Labor grants as partners or lead applicants. Several grants currently are open
for competition, including Training to Work, YouthBuild and Ready to Work
Creating Paths for Women
Prioritizing gender equity was the focus of a panel held as
part of the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity's Policy Day on April
9. Women's Bureau Director Latifa Lyles joined Brenda Dann-Messier, assistant
secretary of the Department of Education's Office of Career, Technical and Adult
Education, in discussing the work of their respective departments. Both focused
on efforts to ensure strong representation of women and girls in education and
training opportunities to prepare them for high-growth, high-wage employment,
including apprenticeship and other fields where women have been underrepresented
historically, such as in science, technology, engineering and math. "The Women's
Bureau and the department have made it a priority to ensure women have access to
apprenticeship and other non-traditional training opportunities that will allow
them to compete for jobs in the 21st century," Lyles said.
Funding Workforce Training
Eric Seleznow, acting assistant secretary for employment
and training, traveled to Delaware on April 8 to attend the meeting of
Delaware's Workforce Investment Board. The meeting served as an opportunity for
Seleznow to share information about new programs available through federal
workforce training funds. Seleznow talked about the importance of innovation in
the delivery of training and employment services. Participating in the meeting
was Delaware Lt. Gov. Matt Denn, representatives of the statewide workforce
investment board, and ETA Regional Administrator Lenita
Migrant, Seasonal Worker Training
The Wage and Hour Division in San Diego held a Migrant and
Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act's training on April 2 and 3 in
Coachella and Imperial, Calif. The Riverside County Farm Bureau, the Imperial
Valley Vegetable Growers Association and the Imperial County Farm Bureau hosted
the events, with approximately 165 participants in attendance. The training
included on-site registrations for farm labor contractors, crew leaders and
Increase in Mine Fatality Rates
According to preliminary data released by the Mine Safety
and Health Administration on April 10, mining fatality rates increased in 2013.
The upswing was driven by a high number of deaths in the fourth quarter, when 15
miners died. In general, mining fatality and injury rates have been on a
downward trend. Historically low fatality and injury rates were recorded in
2011, and 2012 fatal and injury rates fell even lower. MSHA will release a final
version of calendar year data in July.
Safety Stand-down in Georgia
Construction contractors, the Federal Highway
Administration, state and local government, and the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration partnered for a one-hour safety stand-down at construction
sites in Georgia during National Highway Work Zone Awareness Week. From 7 a.m.
to 8 a.m. on April 7-11, workers at construction sites voluntarily took part in
work zone safety training focused on preventing worker fatalities and injuries
from traffic objects and vehicles. Objects and vehicles striking workers are a
leading cause of construction-related deaths. "Alliance members have
demonstrated initiative and leadership by organizing this industrywide safety
stand-down, which will heighten construction workers' awareness and ability to
identify and help eliminate work-related hazards," said Teresa Harrison, OSHA's
acting regional administrator for the Southeast.
Weekly UI Claims
The department reported that the advance figure for
seasonally adjusted initial Unemployment Insurance claims was 300,000 for the
week ending April 5, a decrease of 32,000 from the previous week. The four-week
moving average was 316,250, down 4,750 from the previous week's revised
Upcoming Deadlines
& Events
EBSA — Savings
Fitness: A Guide to Your Money and Your Financial Future Webcast
Creating an Inclusive Workforce
OFCCP — Compliance
Assistance Seminar
OFCCP — Construction
Compliance Evaluations in 16 Steps
OFCCP — Everything
You Want to Know About Adverse Impact
OFCCP — Introduction
to the New Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act Regulations
OFCCP — What to
Expect During an OFCCP Audit
OLMS — Compliance
Assistance Seminar
WHD — Prevailing
Wage Seminar
@USDOL on 
Tweets by @USDOL
What's New
Building a 21st Century
Workforce Starts in High School
President Obama stopped by Bladensburg High School in
Maryland on April 7 to announce the winners of the Youth CareerConnect program.
The school, along with two other high schools in Prince George's County, is
being awarded $7 million as part of the program. Overall, 24 Youth CareerConnect
awards across the country will provide $107 million to high schools and their
partners to strengthen the college- and career-readiness of America's high
school students. To mark his first day on the job, Deputy Secretary of Labor
Christopher P. Lu joined the president for the announcement. The program,
administered by the department in collaboration with the U.S. Department of
Education, will help prepare 2,500 high school graduates to succeed academically
and graduate career ready in high-demand fields such as information technology
and health care.
Strengthening the
Connection Between Apprenticeships and Colleges
During the annual meeting of the American Association of
Community Colleges on April 7 in Washington, D.C., Vice President Biden
announced the launch of the Registered Apprenticeship College Consortium, a new
effort that will allow graduates of Registered Apprenticeship programs to turn
their on-the-job and classroom experiences into college credits toward an
associate or bachelor degree. "Strengthening the common-sense connection between
apprenticeships and colleges is just one of the ways that we are transforming
apprenticeship for the 21st century economy," said U.S. Secretary of Labor
Thomas E. Perez. "As a result of this exciting new consortium, graduates of a
Registered Apprenticeship program will not only have better access to jobs that
lead to a sustainable career, but they'll also have better access to an
education — all with little or no debt."
Pay Gap: 'It's Not a
Myth; It's Math'
Every year, Equal Pay Day draws attention to the pay gap
between men and women — about 23 cents, according to U.S. Census data. In an
April 8 event at the White House, President Obama delivered a clear message to
gap skeptics: "It's not a myth; it's math." Obama signed an Executive Order
barring federal contractors from retaliating against employees who discuss
compensation. He also signed a Presidential Memorandum directing Secretary Perez
to develop rules requiring federal contractors to submit compensation data to
the department, including data by sex and race. Both actions will be enforced by
the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs and are designed to help
combat pay discrimination, increase transparency, and strengthen enforcement of
equal pay laws. Perez applauded the announcements, saying, "We are ready to take
on these new responsibilities."
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