Evans in Action
The summer is coming to end and school is back in session. I wish all of the students, rather you are a returning adult or a pre-school student, great success!!!
In Springfield we are still working to finish the budget, and although it has been a challenging process, I am optimistic that we will get it done. Please know that I remain dedicated to supporting a budget that will prioritize protecting the vulnerable and moving our state in the right direction fiscally.
As always, thank you for receiving this email and have a wonderful weekend.
All the best,

Marcus C. Evans, Jr.
In Springfield
New Legislation:
Currently hundred of new bills and resolutions are being filed in the General Assembly. Please stay updated by visiting the following site.
Vetoed Bills
SB1229-Labor Bill
SB 2030-$Illinois Racing Board
HB 4146-Appropriations
HB 4159-IDOT Appropriations
HB 4153- Economic Development
Resolution adopted by Rep. Evans
For information on bills Rep. Evans is Sponsoring and/or Co-Sponsoring please visit www.ilga.gov/bills
In the 33rd District Community
When Rep. Evans is not in Springfield, he attends numerous events in the 33rd District. Below are some events he attended during the month of August while out of Session.
Bloom Township Senior Picnic
Bloom Township host its Annual Senior Picnic at the Veterans Memorial Park
The Village of Burnham's Back to School Community Event

Pictured: Rep. Evans and the Mayor of Burnham;
Mayor Polk and other local elected officials from the Village of Burnham
2nd Congressional District Elected Officials Meeting Hosted by Congresswoman Kelly,
the General Assembly came together to discuss the budget and 2nd Congressional district concerns.
Pictured above: Senator Trotter, R ep. Evans, Senator Hastings, Rep. Will Davis, Congresswoman Kelly, Senator Collins, Senator Raoul, Rep. Al Riley and Rep. Larry Walsh
JOPAC Annual Walk-A-Thon

Pictured Above: Rep. Evans attends the Jesse Owens Park Walk-A-Thon with members of the Jesse Owens Park Advisory Board.
9000 & Clyde Block Club Party
To find out more about what Rep. Evans is up to visit the website or Facebook page.
8th Ward Back to School Parade Jamboree
Join Alderman Harris and her staff for her Annual Back to School Parade Jamboree
Click Here for flyer
Back to School Free Haircuts
Start the school year off right with a fresh cut 
Community Shred Day & Electronic Recycling
Join Rep. Evans along with Calumet City Mayor Qualikinbush and Calumet City Clerk Nyota Figgs for a Shredding Event

Chicago's Down Home Reunion
State Pride Family Cookout Event
Social Media Engagement Seminar
Enjoy good conversation and meet new people 
Southside Soul Festival Hosted by the Southeast Chicago Chamber of Commerce Click Here for flyer ______________________________________________
26th Annual College & Career Expo coming to South Suburban College September 23rd
Career Development System (CDS) is holding their
26th annual College & Career Expo at South Suburban College (SSC) on Wednesday, September 23, 2015, from 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., in the Fitness Center. The Expo is an excellent opportunity for 8th grade, high school and SSC students, along with their parents, to explore a wide range of college and career options at one time, in one location. Admission and parking are FREE and the event is conveniently located at SSC's Main Campus in South Holland.
The College & Career Expo is open to all residents of the area who are interested in furthering their education. For more information, visit the CDS website at: www.CareerDevelopmentSystem.org
SSC is located 15800 South State Street, South Holland, Illinois.
Job Training

Greater West Town Vocational Training Programs
Greater West Town Training Partnership is currently taking applications for their Shipping and Receiving Training Program. The Program is no-cost to eligible low-income Chicago area applicants.
If you want training at no cost, a good job, and a career in a growing industry call 312.563.9028. Go online to Apply now for their next Shipping and Receiving or Woodworking and Solid Surface Manufacturing Class. Greater West Town Project
IBEW-NECA Technical Institute of the Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Trust
The following information is provided to any person interested in choosing the electrical trade as a career: When: Applications will be accepted every Wednesday Where: 6201 W. 115th Street Alsip, IL 60803 Time: 9:00am-11:00am
Applicants must be at least 17 years or older
Illinois Capitol Forum on America's Future
Are you a teacher who focuses on worldwide human rights concerns? Apply for the Capitol Forum Experience
Deadline to apply for this program is September 28, 2015
Click Here for more information ____________________________________________________________
1000 Jobs Campaign

Please visit the website for more info _____________________________________________
Job Opportunities with the following agencies
for details
Also try these websites;
Project Syncere Emerging Engineers Program
Fall 2015 Registration  October 3rd - December 19th
Saturdays, 9:00am - 1:30pm
Application Due
September 18, 2015
Project SYNCERE's Emerging Engineers Program (PSEEP) provides students with an in-depth study of the engineering fields through its project-based learning curriculum. Students work year round on Saturdays to create their own models of various technological devices to build a portfolio of work for continued educational opportunities. Past projects have included: 3D Design, Robotics, Renewable Energy, Electrical Circuit Design, Air and Flight and many other engineering areas of study.
Audience: Middle and High School Students
- Location: University of Illinois at Chicago
- Cost: FREE
- Lunch: Provided
Space is limited. APPLY TODAY!
Important Information
No Job, No GED, No Problem
Call for more details
Get Help to Pay your Tuition at
City Colleges of Chicago

Mental Math Seminar
Register for Fall Credit Courses
There is still time to register for Fall II and Fall III
There is still time, Classes Begin September 14th
33rd District
Cook County
Commissioner Joan Patricia Murphy
Chicago Wards
Alderman Susan Sadlowski Garza
Cities & Villages

Click the following video to view the newest episode of the
Runnin' with the Rep show
Episode 4 Episode 5 coming soon
Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr.

8539 S. Cottage Grove Ave.
Chicago, IL 60619

773-783-8492 773-783-8625 
 repevans33@gmail.com evansassistant33@gmail.com District Office Hours Mon.-Wed. 9:00am-5:00pm Thur. 9:00am-8:00pm Fri. 9:00am-5:00pm Constituent Hours Mon. 6:00pm-8:00pm Expect Holiday & Session Days
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