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Million Fathers Club to Continue A Year of Father and Male Engagement in the Lives of Children
Events and Programs for 2015 - 2016
- August - September 2015 - Million Father March (Back-To-School Events)
- October 2015 -The Million Fathers Club and Men Help Prepare Students for the World of Work, Co-operative Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Development with the Student Motivation and Career Development Mentor Program (Organizing Guide Available)
- October 2015 -Fathers and Men Join and Attend PTA, School Council and School Board Meetings regularly
- November 2015- Fathers and Men Volunteer at Schools as Janitors, Painters, Field Trip Chaperones, Hall Monitors, Sports Coaches or Mentors for at Least 10 Hours this Year
- November 2015- Fathers Pick Up Child's Grade Reports and Meet with Teachers
- December 2015- The Million Fathers Club Teaches Students the History and Culture of Their Ethnic Group either at Home, at School or at the Library
- January 2015 -The Million Fathers Club and Men Lead Mentoring Activities in Schools for MLK Mentor Day for Boys and Young Men. Women Should Also be Invited to Mentor Girls and Young Women. (Organizing Guide Available)
- February 2015- The Million Fathers Clubs and Mothers Organize Daddy Daughter Dances for Valentine's Day (Organizing Guide Available)
- February 2015- Fathers Pick Up Child's Grade Reports and Meet with Teachers
- March 2015 -The Million Fathers Club and Your School Organize Real Men Read Days for Fathers and their Younger Children in Schools (Organizing Guide Available)
- April 2015 -The Million Fathers Club Invites Fathers and Men to help Prepare Older Students for College, with College Fairs, College Visits and College Workshop Sessions. (Organizing Guide Available)
- May 2015 - The Million Fathers Club Supports Mothers for Mother Son Dances, near Mother's Day (Organizing Guide Available)
- May - June 2016 - Fathers Take a Day Off of Work to Go to School on the Last Day to Personally and Individually Thank the Principal, Teachers, Lunchroom Staff, Janitorial Staff, and Security Staff for Helping their Children Learn this Year
June 2016 - The Million Fathers Club Plans an Event at a Church, Mosque or Synagogue with
Take A Child to Worship Day on Father's Day Event (Organizing Guide Available)
- July 2016 -Fathers Plan A Million Fathers Club Event at a Baseball Game or the Zoo or a Museum. (Organizing Guide Available)
Click Here to Sign Up for the Million Fathers Club
Justice or Else!
Everybody's Different.

For those of us who need a little inspiration to continue our day, please watch and listen to Johileny Meran and vote for her short film,
Fathers Incorporated and The Honorable Man Campaign are asking 20,000 Black fathers to sign the pledge and to meet them in Washington, D.C. on 10/10/15 at the second Million Man March

Click Here to connect to the campaign or for more information about this effort.
All Chicago-Area High School
Students Should Attend the
Silas Purnell College Expo Please call 773.651.3958 for more information
Distinguished Women To Receive "Daughters Lives Matter" Awards
from Fathers and Men in Colton, California

"Conversations about the importance of fathers almost always revolve around sons, and rightly
so, but fathers now more than ever are having equally important and surprising impact on their daughters' academic lives and careers than fathers in previous generations. Supportive and communicative fathers actively engaged with their daughters promote academic achievement, tenacity, ambition, security, help shape her confidence, self-image and self-esteem, and encourage self-discipline, self-reliance and success." Please call 909.880.9427 for more information.
Justice Or Else!
Complaints and Criticisms of The Million Father March
When Black men start criticizing other Black men for helping Black children, we have sank to new levels of despair!
Questions and comments that I have heard and read about the Million Father March along with answers by me.- Phillip Jackson
- Question: Who do these men think they are and what do they think they are doing? Answer: They think they are Black men and the fathers of these children, and they know they have a responsibility to educate and nurture their children.
- Question: Why they got to all wear suits?Answer:
If Black men choose to wear suits, God bless them.
- Question: Why can't they all wear suits?
Answer: If Black men choose to wear coveralls or African garb or khakis, Allah bless them.
Question: Why can't women participate?
Answer: Women did participate. Women were some of the biggest organizers of the event. Some women asked their sons to go down the receiving lines 3 and 4 times to shake the hands of positive Black men.
- Question: Why don't the men come out more? Answer:
The answer to this question is why don't we create more opportunities for the men to come out?
Question: Why they got to take off work? Answer:
Most jobs were happy to give the men 1 or 2 hours off with pay to take their children to school. Men should quit jobs that won't let them take off for their children.
- Question: Why can't they fight the police? Answer:
I don't want these men to fight the police. I want them to become the police!
- Question: Why can't they fight the gangs?
Answer: I don't want these men to fight the gangs, I want them to mentor the gangs and to work with the gangs to build our communities.
- Question: Where have they been until today? Answer:
These men have always been there. And I am ecstatic that they showed up on this day!
- Question: Why you let ex-felons participate? Answer:
Ex-felons or returning citizens are fathers and community leaders. We need them to move our communities forward.
- Question: What are they going to do after the first day? Answer:
Black Star has a twelve month curriculum of father and male engagement in the lives of children and communities.
- Comment: These not real brothers! Comment: If these are not real brothers, nor am I.
Comment: These are the White man's schools! Comment: Yes! And the White man's country and the White man's jobs and the White man's economic system. None of this is news.
- Question: Is this associated with Farrakhan? Answer: Yes! The Million Father March was inspired by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Million Man March in 1995.
- Question: Is this approved by the School Board and the Mayor? Answer:
No. While we invited them to participate, we do not seek their approval.
- Question:Did Black leaders approve this?
No. We did not ask for their approval.
- Comment: These Black men ain't doing nothing special--that's they job! Comment: I agree!
New Release by Dr. Kathryn B. Kemp, a member and strong supporter of The Black Star Project
Anointed to Sing the Gospel is the biography of the "Father of Gospel Music", Dr. Thomas A. Dorsey from Villa Rica, GA to Chicago, IL. It encompasses the spiritual dilemma that caused him to cross-over completely to the gospel song from blues and jazz. The impact of Thomas A. Dorsey as a modern-day Levite and his impact on music of the 20th and 21st century Levites is examined. Interviews with contemporaries and devotees of Thomas A. Dorsey are included.
Click Here to Purchase Anointed to Sing the Gospel from Joyful Noise Press
Click Here to Purchase Anointed to Sing the Gospel from Amazon
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