Links:The Black Star Project's website:
Black Star Journal:
Join Salim Muwakkil
Public Intellectual and Radio Host
on WVON 1690 AM
to see and
The State Farm Black Heritage Film
Wednesday, February 19,
Show Begins 7:00
Discussion After
The Kerasotes ICON
150 West Roosevelt
Chicago, Illinois
Hear Dr. Bernard Lafayette, Noted Civil Rights Leader and Co-Founder of
Lafayette, 73, co-founded the Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee in 1960. He currently is a senior scholar at Emory
University's Candler School of Theology. Lafayette also directed the Alabama
Voter Registration Project in 1962, and was appointed by Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. as the national program administrator for the Southern Christian Leadership
A young Bernard Lafayette puttin' in the
The African American Speakers
Friday, February 21,
7:30 pm - Free
The Ark of Saint
1210 West 78th
A must read and must have book to understand the
education of Black students in America
Public education is under
attack today from those who do not believe with John Adams that "opportunities
and advantages of education" should be available "in the various parts of the
country, and among the different orders of the people." Adams specified that the
provision of the "opportunities and advantages of education" is a public duty,
not a source of private profit, and that those opportunities and advantages
should be available to everyone, not only to the privileged, and everywhere, not
just in wealthy suburbs. This resource book includes demographic and educational
data for each group for the nation as a whole and for each state.
Information from Minority Students and Public Education on comparing
USA, Illinois and Chicago.
Male students in Chicago in
2010/11 graduated at lower rate than each group's state and national averages
from high schools.
Male Graduation Rates 2010/2011
USA 53%
Illinois 48%
Chicago 45%
Percentages of Male Black and Male White, Non-Latino,
Students at or Above Proficient in Reading, Grade 8, 2011
Jurisdiction Percent at or Above
Black White
10% 35% 25
points Illinois 11%
38% 27 points Chicago
9% 36% 27 points
Percentages of Male Black
and Male White, Non-Latino, Students at or Above Proficient in
Math, Grade 8,
Jurisdiction Percent at or
Above Proficient
Black White
45% 33 points Illinois
10% 46% 36
points Chicago 9%
49% 40 points
Click Here to Purchase
Minority Students and Public
While Michael Dunn, killer Of Jordan Davis, was found
guilty of some charges, he was not found guilty of murdering Jordan
Is Your Child Next?!!!
The Dred Scott Decision by
the Supreme Court in 1857: Because they are slaves (or the descendants of
slaves) they (Africans in America) have no rights as citizens under our
constitution. The spirit of the Dred Scott Decision
Words of Jordan's Mother, Ms. Lucia McBath, Before
the Verdict to the United States Senate
Ms. Lucia McBath
"Some will tell you that the argument was about music, but I
believe that it was about the availability of guns and the eagerness to hate.
People like Mr. Dunn feel empowered to use their gun instead of their voice to
reason with others. Now I face the very real possibility that my son's killer
will walk free, hiding behind a statute that lets people claim a threat where
there was none.
This law declares open season on anyone that we
don't trust for reasons that don't even have to be true. In essence, it allows
any armed citizen to "self-deputize" themselves and establish their own
definition of law and order. It lets one and all define their own criteria for
right and wrong and how justice will be carried out.
Jordan was named for a change in the
tide, a decision to try harder and do better. He was my only child. He was
raised with love and learning and a clear understanding of right and wrong. I
have been without Jordan now since Thanksgiving weekend 2012, without him last
Christmas and on his birthday in February.
I never got to
take his prom picture or see him graduate from high school. I can tell you all
about him-about his easy smile, his first girlfriend, and his plans to join the
Marines. I can tell you how he loved his dad's gumbo. And, how they both rooted
for the NY Giants. But you can never really know my boy.
On the
Killing of Jordan Davis
by Michael
The irrelevance of black life has been
drilled into this country since its infancy, and shall not be extricated through
the latest innovations in Negro Finishing School.
Marchers in Jacksonville, Florida,
protest the verdict against Michael Dunn.
By Ta-Nehisi
February 15, 2014
I wish I had something more to
say about the fact that Michael Dunn was not
convicted for killing a black boy. Except I said
it after George Zimmerman was not convicted of killing a black boy. Except
the parents of black boys already know this. Except the parents of black boys have long said this, and they have been answered
with mockery.
Jordan Davis had a mother and a father. It did not save him. Trayvon Martin had
a mother and a father. They could not save him. My son has a father
and mother. We cannot protect him from our country, which is our aegis and our
assailant. We cannot protect our children because racism in America is not
merely a belief system but a heritage, and the inability of black parents to
protect their children is an ancient tradition.
Henry "Box" Brown, whose family
was destroyed and whose children were trafficked, knew:
I stationed myself by the side of
the road, along which the slaves, amounting to three hundred and fifty, were to
pass. The purchaser of my wife was a Methodist minister, who was about starting
for North Carolina. Pretty soon five wagon-loads of little children passed, and
looking at the foremost one, what should I see but a little child, pointing its
tiny hand towards me, exclaiming, "There's my father; I knew he would come and
bid me good-bye..."
insist that the irrelevance of black life has been drilled into this country
since its infancy, and shall not be extricated through the latest innovations in
Negro Finishing School.
The Black
Star Project's
Things All Young
Men Should Know
Trayvon Martin, right, with a baby
1) Know
that you are a young Black man in America and that means you are different than
other Americans. While you can still realize your dreams, you might have to
take a different path. You will have to be more careful, more thoughtful and
more aware than others to survive in America.
2) Value education, learning and reading. The more and
better you can read for understanding, the freer and more powerful you will
3) Work hard. Many times, it is not what you know that
makes you successful, but instead consistency, persistence, effort and
dedication. Be sure to just "show up".
4) Respect women and girls. They hold up half the sky
in our communities. Together we can accomplish great things in our families and
5) Believe in something higher than yourself. Whether
its religious, spiritual or philosophical, connect with and explore the larger
universe and eternity.
6) Emulate strong, positive, intelligent Black men. Use
them as your mentors and role models.
7) Be a leader! Exhibit courage, wisdom, vision and
good decision-making skills to help your community improve. You are a natural
leader. Others will follow your positive and righteous actions.
8) Respect and work with other young Black men to
accomplish great things for your community. Teams of young Black men can
accomplish what individuals cannot.
9) Study your history and culture. You are not alone,
10) Choose positive peers, associates and friends. Those
relationships will help determine your path in life.
For Black Male Achievement Week - February
The Black Star Project
Great Theater in
If you know of another
organization doing as much or more than The Black Star Project to educate Black
students and develop Black families, you should support that organization
financially as we go into the new year. If you do not know of another
organization doing this work, please support The Black Star
Dear Friend of
This is a great time to
invest in the success of Black students, and all students, in American schools.
Our victories in 2013 included many efforts to build families, develop
communities, educate students, create jobs, reduce mass incarceration and mentor
young Black men. In order for us to continue to grow and to be effective,
we need your support now more than ever. Your investment in
our work can be deducted from your income taxes to the fullest extent allowable
by law.
Some of our accomplishments
in 2013 include:
- Organizing 1 million men in more than 630 cities across America to
take their children back to school on the first day with our Million
Father March 2013.
- Managing 22 free Saturday University sites throughout
Chicagoland that improved the reading and math skills of more than 350
- Providing mentoring, motivation, inspiration and guidance to more than
13,000 Chicago-area students through our classroom-based Student
Motivation Mentoring Program.
- Hosting the first Mass Black Male Graduation Ceremony
for several hundred graduating Black males from high schools across the Midwest
featuring Thomas N. Todd and Lupe Fiasco as keynote speakers.
- Hosting the Young Black Men of Honor College Fair for
more than 1,000 college bound students featuring 50 of the top colleges in the
- Hosting our Fourth Annual Daddy/Daughter Valentines Day
Dance for 50 fathers and their daughters between 4 and 14 years
- Hosting 3 Take A Young Black Man to Worship Day at about
200 churches, mosques, temples and synagogues around the
With your support we can
accomplish much more. Please become a member of The Black Star
Project today and help us continue our nation-leading work in the area
of creating better students, better parents, better families and better
Black Star Project
South King Drive, Suite 2B
Illinois 60653
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