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Black Star Journal:
The Honorable
Louis Farrakhan
speaks about
The Troubled
What Should We Be
Words of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan from his August 17,
2014 speech "The Troubled World" with many references to Ferguson,
Missouri and an introduction to speech by Student Minister Ishmael
I warn you that
something terrible is about to go down, and Ferguson is a
sign., Black people
in America, the despised, the rejected, the unloved, the unwanted, the suffering
people of God, you are his choice! And that's what the trouble in the world is
all about.
There can be no peace
in Gaza, there can be no peace in the Ukraine, or in Korea, or Japan, or China,
or Europe, or Central and South America until the problem of the Black man and
woman in America has been solved with justice!
Imagine 67% of
Ferguson is Black. Six city councilmen - 5 are White. Fifty-three policemen and
three are Black. Something is wrong with that picture. What happened to one
man one vote?
I don't know about
the store they say he (Michael Brown) strong-armed somebody and took some
cigars, but I I know this... when you live in the hood you don't control no
economics. You have got people in our community taking the money out but not
giving a damn thing to this community.
...sometimes the way
that we represent God is so reprehensible, that in the eyes of our young people,
preachers look like pimps! Leadership is afraid of our young
We who are leading
the people, live better than the people we lead. That's not bad...but it's
I'm not a Jew. I'm
not a Palestinian . I'm a human being. But if my heart, as a human, does not
ache for the suffering of our people, fellow human beings, fellow suffers and
travelers on the earth, then I am dead...morally and
He (a minister)
said, "Minister, there's been gang warfare...and the gangs have shot up a
quarter of million dollars of property and the mayor called me and asked me if I
would intercede to try and stop the violence. The young gang leaders are saying
if you tell them to put the guns down, they'll do it. Will you send a message
to them?" I said well let me think about it. And as I began thinking, I said,
"I didn't tell them to pick the guns up, why should I be the one to tell them to
put the guns down? "
"It's wonderful to
grow old with dignity and strength. It's wonderful to grow old and not be a
In the City
"Yeah, I Said it!"
Rioting and Free
Columnist Stella Foster's Opinions on Ferguson,
Missouri and "Blackacide"!

FOLKS in Saint Louis, Missouri are so heartbroken about the killing of
18-year -old Mike Brown, who was shot multiple times while in the process of
being arrested by a St. Louis cop, that they decided to start a "fire sale" and
money-free gift shopping by rioting,
looting and burning dozens of stores in that area. Well, any excuse, I guess, is
ok if you have set your sights on a 52 inch flat screen that was in a window.
Those folks, alot of whom look like straight up thugs, are so torn up inside
over that black kid's death that people started protesting at the St. Louis
police station.
OF VIOLENCE AND MURDERS IN black communities in this country, I must
admit, I have become almost apathetic because in black neighborhoods, the
ongoing "blackacide" aka blacks killing blacks, is so overwhelmingly alarming
and depressing that I just refuse to get bent out of shape. I will assume that
Brown was unlawfully gunned down and when the investigation,etc. runs its
course, the cop will be duly sentenced by a hard nose judge. But even after
they stop rioting and Brown makes his home-going know what is not
going to change?
BLACKS IN THIS COUNTRY! It has been reported that since Trayvon Martin
was killed in Florida, over 11,000 murders have occurred by blacks
killing...guess who? BLACKS! For some unexplained reason, it seems like some
blacks think that only another black has the right to kill one of us! How dare a
white cop come along and shoot one of our finest teens? THE
PROTESTERS ARE SCREAMING "Stop the Killer Cops" and the usual, "NO
Justice No peace"! We all know that there are good cops and bad cops, and the
bad ones definitely need to be sorted out and kicked off the police force. But,
one thing is for sure, if you are out in these streets and you are assaulted,
robbed or attacked, the first person you want too see and call for is a
Click Here to Read More Posts
by Stella In the
Help Send the Distinguished
Gentlemen of Spoken Word to The White House by Clicking Here.
America struggles with death of several more young Black men by the hands of
police in the past week and the death of hundreds of young Black men at the
hands of other misguided young Black men, the Distinguished Gentlemen of Spoken
Word have risen above America!
Top Row - Michael Brown, killed in
Ferguson, Missouri; Eric Garner, killed in
New York City, New York; and Trayvon Martin, killed in Sanford, Florida. Bottom
Row - Jonathan Ferrell, killed in Charlotte, North Carolina; Oscar Grant, killed
in Oakland, California; and Jordan Davis, killed in Jacksonville,
Listen to the Distinguished Gentlemen of Spoken Word use
spoken word to move America forward and to make America better. Listen
especially at the 6 minute 30 second mark where they speak the famous quotations
of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They deserve a national stage. Please help them
get it by clicking on here and recommending that
they visit The White House with their strong message of brotherhood, struggle,
overcoming the streets of America, and the celebration, joys and accomplishments
of being a young Black man in America.
Click Here to See and Listen to the
Distinguished Gentlemen of Spoken Word.
Click Here to recommend that the
Distinguished Gentlemen of Spoken Word visit The White House with their strong
message of hope for America.
A Missouri city
against police
My Unarmed Son!!!"
Protesters raise their hands in
mock replication of the surrender of Michael Brown before he was shot and
By Nicole Coulson
August 12, 2014
That was the
heartbreaking message Louis Head wrote on a piece of cardboard and held up for
the community to see after his stepson, Michael Brown, was shot down by a cop in
the streets of Ferguson, Mo., on August 9.
The death of the
18-year-old ignited the bitter outrage of a community that says police brutality
directed at Black men is all-too-common in this majority-African American suburb
outside St. Louis, leading to angry protests two nights in a row.
Mainstream media
outlets focused on the damage done to property during the demonstrations, but
for millions of people around the country, horror at the police execution of
another unarmed Black youth--and the sense that it's time something is done
about police violence--were the dominant feelings.
According to the
police version of events, a shop owner reported that someone allegedly matching
Brown's description shoplifted from their store. Later, an officer--who still
had not been named when this report written--stopped Brown and a friend as they
walked down a street, say the cops, and Brown attempted to push the officer into
his car and tried grab for the officer's gun.
Police say one shot
was fired from the officer's gun during the struggle. Then, after the unarmed
Brown fled, the cop fired several shots at Brown, fatally wounding the teen.
Witnesses tell a
completely different story. Dorian Johnson, who was walking with Michael Brown,
and Piaget Crenshaw, a bystander who witnessed the shooting, told Fox 2 News that after confronting Brown and Johnson for
walking in the street, the officer began assaulting Brown by choking him, and
trying to pull Brown into his squad car. His weapon fired at least once at this
When both teens ran,
the officer then fired a second shot. Johnson told
reporters at the scene, "[The officer] shot again and once my friend felt
that shot, he turned around and put his hands in the air and started to get
down, and the officer still approached with his weapon drawn and fired several
more shots."
"We weren't causing no
harm to nobody," Johnson said. "We had no weapons on us at all."
Brown's family and
friends learned of his death because his lifeless body laid in the streetfor
some four hours while police "investigated"--or tried to get their stories
straight about a case of cold-blooded murder, to judge from the eyewitness
Some joined the crowds
of mourners and protesters who had gathered there since the shooting in protest
of how Brown had died: Black, unarmed and from multiple gunshots."
Violence Rages Out Of Control, While Our "Leaders", Clergy, Elected and Law
Enforcement - Don't Have a CLUE what to do...its Past Time for
THE KEY! "Call To
Join Fathers for Change
For its
On Violence
Prevention &
19, 2014
5:45 PM - 7:30
The Black United
Fund of Illinois
1809 East 71st
2nd floor
conference room
the corner of 71st Street & Constance
please respond with an email to:
Get An Early
in Education in
with the
WCDC Saturday
educators talk about the "Summer Slide", the amount of skills and knowledge that
students lose over the summer. Woodlawn Community Development Corporation
(WCDC) is sponsoring a system of Saturday Universities in Chicago where students
can "refresh" their learning skills before school starts back. Classes will
focus on reading, math, writing and computer literacy. These Saturday classes
are absolutely free. Please call 773.285.9600 to register your kindergartner
through 9th-grade student for the WCDC Saturday University. We will
offer our important "Freshmen Academy" for graduated 8th-grade students entering
into high school.
Rev. Dr. Leon Finney, Jr.
President of WCDC Saturday University
Have your students attend
WCDC Saturday
Every Saturday
August 2, 2014 and September 6,
Please call 773.285.9600 for more
Sites for the
Saturday University include:
1. Anchor House Apts. (1230 West 76th
2. Armour Square Apts. (3120 South
Wentworth Ave.)
3. Ada S. McKinley Apts. (661 East 69th
4. Berry Manor Apts. (737 East 69th
5. Farrell House Apts. (1415 East 65th
6. Judge Green Apts. (4030 South Lake
7. Lincoln Perry Apts. (3245 South
8. Lincoln Perry Annex (243 East 32nd
9. Lake Michigan Apts. (4227 South
10.Mary Jane Apts. (4930 South
11.Mahalia Jackson Apts. (9141 South
Chicago Ave.)
12.Minnie Rippleton Apts. (4250 South
13. Park Shore East (1561 East 60th
14. South Park Plaza (2600 South King
15.Vivian Carter Apts. (6401 South
16.Metropolitan (4100 South King
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