Friday, February 26, 2010

Alderwoman Freddrenna M. Lyle Comments on New Library Meeting

Here are Alderwoman Freddrenna M. Lyle's comments on the recent Chicago Public Library Facilities Committee Board of Directors meeting on the new Whitney Young Branch construction plans: Thanks for attending the meeting to get clarity on the questions that exist in the community. I met with Commissioner Dempsey and the Public Buildings Commission yesterday afternoon. As most know the City is purchasing the properties east of the Library on 79Th St. They have not however closed on all of the properties. Initially the plan was for a 1 story library (due to staffing and economic concerns as you stated). After the question of how to site the library arose, I was told that a 2 story would be required and I reported that to the community. Now there is a new prototype 1 story design that is being considered. Until the imminent domain (purchasing) process is completed with the associated environmental studies, we can't really determine which building will be built. However it has always been the preference of Commissioner Dempsey that a 1 story building be constructed because staffing at Libraries is being reduced due to the economy (which is the justification for the reduction in hours of service). When the process is complete the Commissioner will come back to the community with her recommendations and seek our input once again. The bottom line at this point is that our plans for a new Young Library have been delayed but not abandoned. Our construction time has been pushed back; the existing library will remain open as long as it can safely do so; there will be a period of time during which residents will have to use either, the soon to be completed Grand Crossing library (73rd & So. Chicago), Avalon or Woodson; community uses for the building have been taken into consideration. While I am disappointed that we are not in construction at this very moment, I am certain that once completed we will have a beautiful building that incorporates room for children, teens and community and revitalizes 79Th & King Drive.


JP Paulus said...

I need to correct you. Again.

This time, you made it seem as if Ald. Lyle was writing to MaryEllen Drake (who attended the meeting) or someone from Chatham Avalon Park Community Council.

That comment was NOT to them, but rather a comment on a Sixth Ward Blog entry .

You have posted on the meeting, but I actually posted what happened.

Look, I have no problem with you quoting a whole entry from The Sixth Wrad Blog, but PLEASE, CITE YOUR SOURCE.

Worlee Glover said...

Well its good they are reading the blog. Maybe they will learn something.