Update: The Facilities Committee, Board of Directors, of the Chicago Public Library will be holding a Special Meeting TOMORROW, Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at the Harold Washington Main Branch, 400 South State Street on the 10Th Floor at beginning at 10:30 A.M. to discuss the land acquisition for the proposed new construction of the Whitney Young Branch at 7901 South King Drive in Chatham. Due to be a 2-story facility like that of the Bucktown-Wicker Park branch, we strongly urge all of our members, residents, and viewers to attend to express their input into their new intellectual and academic facility for the community. The first part of the meeting will be open to the public, then the committee will meet in executive session. BE THERE!!!
What is your source that the CPL is going to build a 2 story building? The board of directors stated that there are no plans to do so.
Where is your source that the Board said it was 1-story?
Apparently you didn't go to the meeting.
Ald. Lyle said it would be 2 story in a community meeting, but Mary Dempsey , the ocmmissioner, said it would NOT.
i will post on The Sixth Ward blog later today
It is to our understanding that Alderwoman Lyle assured us that the laundimat issue of environmental contamination was the leading cause to seek a 2-story structure for the new library, Mary Dempsey's views notwithstanding.
You are correct that Ald. Lyle mentioned this in Nov. or Dec.
However, Mary Demspey is the head of the library system, and this was the latest facilities meeting, and I asked her that question at the meeting this Tuesday. Were you not there?
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