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Preschool Suspensions a New Data Point for Civil
Rights Data Collection
("School-to-prison pipeline starts in pre-school for Black
students with disproportionate suspensions and disciplinary actions" - The Black
Star Project)
Chart provided by The Black Star
March 21, 2014
Black children represent 18
percent of the students enrolled in preschool, but 48 percent of preschool
children receiving more than one out-of-school suspension, according to the U.S.
Department of Education's Civil Rights Data Collection.
The data point on preschool
discipline was a new question asked of districts for this data collection, which
represents statistics from the 2011-12 school year. Schools representing nearly
all of the nation's public school children were surveyed as part of this
collection (in contrast, the department released results of a civil rights data
collection in 2012, but that represented about 7,000 districts.)
Other preschool suspension data:
white students make up 43 percent of children in preschool, but 26 percent of
students suspended. Boys are 79 percent of the preschool children suspended
once, and 82 percent of preschoolers suspended multiple times (boys make up
about 54 percent of overall preschool enrollment.)
The data collection also offered
statistics on preschool access: about 40 percent of districts do not offer
preschool. Fifty-seven percent of the districts that do have preschool only have
it for part of the day. And just over hal of the school districts that operate
preschools make the programs universally accessible-in other cases, the programs
are targeted to children from low-income families or children with
About 4 percent of kindergarten
students, or 140,000 children, were retained in kindergarten in 2011-12. But
Arkansas, at 12 percent; Hawaii at 12 percent, and Mississippi at 8 percent,
retained more of their kindergarten students than the national average. American
Indian and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander children were retained at a higher
percentage than the national average, at 7 percent and 8 percent,
Click Here to see
National State-By-State Civil Rights Data Points on Racial Disparities
in Education in U.S.
Expansive Survey of America's Public
Schools Reveals Troubling Racial Disparities
Lack of Access to
Suspensions Cited
21, 2014
The U.S. Department of
Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) released today the first comprehensive
look at civil rights data from every public school in the country in nearly 15
The Civil Rights Data Collection
(CRDC) from the 2011-12 school year was announced by U.S. Department of
Education Secretary Arne Duncan and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder at J.O.
Wilson Elementary School in Washington, D.C.
This is the first time since 2000
that the Department has compiled data from all 97,000 of the nation's public
schools and its 16,500 school districts - representing 49 million students. And
for the first time ever, state-, district- and school-level information is
accessible to the public in a searchable online database at
U.S. Sec. of Education, Arne
"This data collection shines a
clear, unbiased light on places that are delivering on the promise of an equal
education for every child and places where the largest gaps remain. In all, it
is clear that the United States has a great distance to go to meet our goal of
providing opportunities for every student to succeed," U.S. Secretary of
Education Arne Duncan said. "As the President's education budget reflects in
every element - from preschool funds to Pell Grants to Title I to special
education funds - this administration is committed to ensuring equity of
opportunity for all."
U.S. Attorney General, Eric
"This critical report shows that
racial disparities in school discipline policies are not only well-documented
among older students, but actually begin during preschool," said Attorney
General Eric Holder. "Every data point represents a life impacted and a future
potentially diverted or derailed. This Administration is moving aggressively to
disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline in order to ensure that all of our young
people have equal educational opportunities."
data released today reveals particular concern around discipline for our
nation's young men and boys of color, who are disproportionately affected by
suspensions and zero-tolerance policies in schools. Suspended students are less
likely to graduate on time and more likely to be suspended again. They are also
more likely to repeat a grade, drop out, and become involved in the juvenile
justice system.

Black Students Less Likely to Be
Taught By Certified Teachers,
Ed. Dept.
Data Show
March 21, 2014
Students of color are more
likely to be taught by underqualified teachers, novice teachers, or
teachers with lower salaries than their peers, according to national data from
the 2011-12 school year released today by the U.S. Department of Education's
Office of Civil Rights. The data confirms a
host of other research.
Teacher equity is actually
a fairly new addition to the collection. It was first collected in 2009-10, but
only for a sample of schools and districts. So the data released today represent
the first comprehensive figures based on reporting from every single
Black students appeared to be the
hardest hit by such inequities. In one startling finding, nearly 7 percent of
black students attended schools where more than 20 percent of teachers hadn't
yet met all state certification requirements.
That figure was more than four
times higher than for white students (1.5 percent) and more than twice as high
than for Latino students (3 percent). Much other research shows that poor and
minority teachers tend to have out-of-field or
otherwise unqualified teachers.
Researchers have also shown over
and over that novice teachers, particularly those in their first year, are less
effective on average than experienced teachers. Yet Black, Latino, American
Indian, and Native Alaskans were more likely to be in schools with a
concentration of novices than their white peers, according to the OCR data.
And at the high school level,
nearly a quarter of districts with at least two high schools had a $5,000 gap in
teacher salaries between schools with the highest and lowest concentration of
black and Latino students. (About half of districts had a gap of $500 or less,
and across the country the average gap is $1,913. Compare these results to the
2009-10 sample, which found a slightly larger average
gap amount.)
This year's data release is the first since 2000
reflecting information from all schools and districts, including charter schools
and juvenile justice facilities.
Jackson, Mississippi, federal school report highlights Mississippi
Black students are much more likely to be taught
by rookie teachers, and black males are suspended at the second-highest rates in
the country
March 21,
JACKSON - Black students in Mississippi are much more
likely to be taught by rookie teachers, and black males are suspended at the
second-highest rates in the country.
Neither finding is much of a surprise in Mississippi,
where many districts with largely black student bodies scramble for teachers
each year and where litigation has focused on harsh disciplinary practices in
Jackson and Meridian.
Research nationwide has shown that most teachers become
more effective after their first year.
In Mississippi, 7 percent of
black students attended a school where more than 20 percent of teachers are in
their first year, compared to 1 percent of white students.
Nationwide 4 percent of black
students attended such schools, while 2 percent of white students do.
Some other states have higher
rates of black students attending rookie-heavy schools, but Mississippi's 7-to-1
ratio among black and white students was exceeded only by Maryland's with a
9-to-1 ratio.
Civil rights activists say that despite legal actions,
they fear suspensions are still harming the academic careers of African-American
Mississippi had the second highest rate of suspension
for black male students and the second-highest gap between the rate of
suspension for black and white male students, both behind West
The report showed that 27 percent
of black male students were suspended from school at least once, compared to 7
percent for white males - a disparity of 20 percentage points. Nationally, the
black-white gap was 14 percentage points.
Johnson's group helped spark a
U.S. Justice Department lawsuit against the Meridian schools because of the
frequent arrest of students, making juvenile offenses out of many nonviolent
school infractions. The district there agreed to reform its discipline system
after it was sued.
Here to Read Full Story
10 Black Men in Detroit, 10 in Baltimore and 10 in
Philadelphia to Earn $10,000 Each for Doing What Good Black Men Do
20, 2014
Today BMe begins accepting
nominations for its 2014 "BMe Leadership Awards" which are presented to inspired
black men in Philadelphia, Detroit and Baltimore who are committed to helping
others and improving their community.
The BMe Leadership Award was
created to recognize the many ways that black men are assets to communities. It
rewards and celebrates everyday black men whose meaningful contributions are
often overlooked.
In each city, 10 BMe Leadership
Award earners, called 'BMe Leaders' will receive public recognition, a $10,000
grant to apply toward their community work and the opportunity to be networked
with other black men like them. BMe promotes BMe Leaders as examples of inspired
black men locally and nationally.
"We all personally know men like
these - our fathers, co-workers, mentors and friends," says Trabian Shorters,
BMe's founding CEO. "Here's a chance to honor them because their contributions
are so often overlooked. Everyone nominated will have a chance to be
Nominees, as well as their
nominators of any race or sex, benefit from gaining access to the BMe Community,
its news, web tools and local community-building events.
Nominees must be at least 18
years old and their contributions to the community must benefit those in their
respective cities of Detroit, Baltimore or Philadelphia. Since 2012, BMe has
presented 70 Leadership Awards to black men who continue to make a significant
and lasting impact on their neighbors and city.
On April 7th nominees will be
asked to submit a short application detailing what they would do with the
$10,000 grant if selected.
Click Here to Nominate a Good
Black Man in Detroit, Baltimore andPhiladelphia to Become A
for the
National Council
Educating Black
National Convention
8th annual Gathering of Leaders will convene in Jackson, Mississippi, April
23-25, 2014, followed by the White House Initiative Town Hall on Educational
Excellence for African-Americans on April 25-26, 2014.

Education Colleague,
The theme of this year's Gathering of Leaders is Onward and Upward!
Advancing the Affirmative Development of Boys and Young Men of Color. 500
educators will convene on the campus of historic Jackson State University for
learning experiences and collegiality. Join educators nationwide who share a
passion for ensuring that all boys and young men of color achieve academic
success. Highlights will include:
* Our traditional,
extraordinary Call to Action by young men of color
* Workshops on the seven
core areas of the COSEBOC Standards - Assessment, Parent/Family/Community
Partnership, Curriculum and Instruction, School Environment and Climate, School
Leadership, School Counseling, and School Organization
* 8 COSEBOC School Award
Principals will offer workshops on their strategies that have proven effective
in generating academic success in their boys and young men of color
* Special session For
School Principals Only
* 'TED-like Talks' by
visionary educators
* Special working session
and reception for members, ensuring that the Gathering is highly productive for
members and their year-round work with COSEBOC
* Awards Dinner to
celebrate and learn from the FY14 COSEBOC School Award winners
* Celebrate the 50th
anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the City with Soul at the heart
of the civil rights movement - Jackson, Mississippi
The special feature of
this year's Gathering is the free opportunity to participate in a Town Hall
conducted by the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African
Americans. This extraordinary event will take place on Friday evening and
all-day Saturday.

Jackson, Mississippi to host the
Onward and Upward!: Advancing the
Affirmative Development of Boys and Young Men of Color. This theme
recognizes the historic and current efforts of good people across the nation and
in Mississippi, allied with COSEBOC's intent to build a new narrative for boys
and young men of color. Mark your calendars
Join the Nation to Celebrate the
History, Study and Movement of Black Men and Boys in America
Sponsored by Morehouse
and Harvard

Click Here to Learn More
About or Register for Conference
The Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference and the Faith
Community of Saint Sabina present master motivator --
Saturday, March
29, 2014
2:00 pm to 4:00
Faith Community of
Saint Sabina
1210 West 78th
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