Tuesday, March 4, 2014

79th Street Business Corridor Association



                       PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND!!





                                  MONTHLY MEETING




               WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 2014


                 LUVERSIA’S RESTAURANT

                    522 EAST 79TH STREET

                CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60619

                         4PM  until  5PM


               Mission: The 79th Street Corridor Business Association

                      was formed to promote, revitalize and sustain the retail and

                      Commercial business on 79th Street. Our intention is to colla-

                      abortively work with the surrounding residents, block clubs

                      and organizations to support the growth and development of

                      our communities through social and financial endeavors. We

                      are committed to maintaining 79th Street as a clean, safe and

                      viable business district.


               Victor Love, President       Michael Cherry, Vice President


                   Bill Dunbar, Treasuer         Niema Feme, Secretary


                                             Wayne Harris, Sgt. at Arms

















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