Tuesday, July 15, 2014

What to do about "THE VIOLENCE"? Stand up, get out, join in!!!

Grand Crossing Park Neighborhood Network

"...What YOU can do for YOUR Neighborhood"

Dearest neighbors and stakeholders,
There has been much activity behind the scenes, politically, since Dr. Betty Howard was tragically. gunned down on 79th street. Officials are in and out of meetings, calling press conferences and dinners in our neighborhood and other places. The drama is rightfully high.

Our "leaders" have been scrambling around, trying to figure out what to do. Some leaders are slowly realizing that they must drop their egos and work with others. At the same time record numbers of average, grassroots people have been in retreat, apparently fearful of their own safety and shrinking from acting responsibly as citizens of the greatest nation on earth. The missing ingredient right now is the "average Joe and the average Jane".

We're all beset with problems in our families, ailing parents, financial woes, employment shortages and estrangement from some neighbors and even our own children. Yet this violence must cease and will not do so until we, as a collective force of neighbors, make it cease!

We need people NOW to step up, step forward and team with others in providing, ideas, answers and manpower to OVERCOME the destructive power of senseless violence happening around us. In the civil rights movement we MADE change happen. Now it's time to do it again. This is a reminder to all who are not engaging this problem, to get involved NOW, spread the word and at least donate resources to any and all grassroots efforts aimed at bringing the current violence phenomenon to a close.

Do YOUR part. Those who are already doing so need YOUR help. We're out here every day. You know where to find us!
Brad O. Redrick,

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