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Black Star Journal:
In Milwaukee, Chief Flynn Says Policing Not the Cause of High Rate of Black Male Incarceration
Wisconsin has the highest percentage of African-American men in prison of any state in the country, and the Milwaukee County's incarceration rate leads the state.

A policy analyst and Milwaukee's Chief of Police offer sharply differing opinions on how law enforcement figures into why so many of Milwaukee's black men are in prison.
Michael Holzman, who recently wrote about Milwaukee's issues with poverty and black male incarceration for the website Daily Kos, contends the story begins with the criminal justice system - in particular, the Milwaukee Police Department.
"The Chief of Police makes rules about what counts as a crime, where to concentrate forces, and what to do about it," he argues. "So I'd say that the disproportionality of arrests follows some decisions made by the Chief of Police."
Holzman also pointed to policies set by the District Attorney's office about who gets prosecuted, and by the decisions of judges in convictions and sentencing.
"If you have 10 times as many black people imprisoned in Milwaukee as white people, we're not talking about little shades of gray here. We're talking about something that is shouting out that there is a real serious problem," he says.
Click Here to Listen to Michael Holzman and Chief Edward Flynn Discuss the Topic of Mass Black Male Arrests and Incarceration in Milwaukee
Nearly Half Of Black Males Are Arrested By Age 23: Study
By Simon McCormack
January 6,2014
Photo provided by The Black Star Project
A large number of American men have already been arrested by the time they're in their early 20s, according to a new report.
The study, published on Monday in the journal Crime & Delinquency, found that nearly half (49 percent) of African-American men and 40 percent of white men have been arrested by the age of 23, "which can hurt their ability to find work, go to school and participate fully in their communities," according to a press release.
The research was based on an analysis of national survey data from 1997 to 2008 of teenagers and young adults. The arrests included minor crimes like truancy as well as serious violent crimes. It excluded traffic offenses.
The study also found:
By age 18, 30 percent of black males, 26 percent of Hispanic males and 22 percent of white males have been arrested.
By age 23, 49 percent of black males, 44 percent of Hispanic males and 38 percent of white males have been arrested.
Previous studies have found that blacks are discriminated against in every phase of the criminal justice system, from arrest to prosecution and sentencing.
Register Your Students for Saturday University -
Starts This Week
There is no way that schools in the 21st century, by themselves, can ever educate the masses of Black children in America without parents, families and communities becoming engaged in the educational process.
We have 22 free Saturday Universities operating in Chicago and in the west, north and south suburbs. Please call 773.285.9600 to open a Saturday University, to register your child for free academic enhancement or for more information about bringing the Saturday University to your community. We need teachers and tutors for our sites. Please call 773.285.9600 to volunteer.
Tune in to hear
Michael Holzman
author of
Minority Students
and Public Education
Best Practices for Educating
Black Students
A must read and must have book to understand the education of Black students in America
Saturday, January 11, 2014
6:00 pm central time
On WVON -1690 AM
Join us at 7:00 pm Eastern; 6:00 pm Central; 5:00 pm Mountain; 4:00 pm Pacific; 3:00 pm Alaskan; 2:00 pm Hawaiian.
Listener Call-In # 773-591-1690
Listen to The Black Star Project's
Internationally Acclaimed Radio Program
The Parent Revolution
Click Here to Purchase Minority Students and Public Education
The Black Star Project thanks the Board of Directors of The Field Foundation of Illinois, the Board of Directors of Woods Fund of Chicago, Illinois State Senator Jacqueline Collins, Illinois State Senator Kimberly A. Lightford and Chicago Alderman Will Burns for their generous support for our parenting programs.
Please call 773.285.9600 for more information aboutThe Black Star Project.
The Women of
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. - Theta Omega Chapter Honor
Young Black Men
AKA Sorors (left to right) Shavelle Bell, Tresa Dunbar Garrett and Tiffany Hope were awarded Code Black T-shirts by Phillip Jackson (second from left) for the great job that the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. - Theta Omega Chapter is doing for young Black men in Chicago, Illinois
Young men from The Black Star Project were the Project Holiday Cheer Service project recipient this Year for the Women of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. - Theta Omega Chapter. in Chicago, Illinois on Saturday, January 4, 2014. 27 young men were honored by the by the AKA women with a luncheon, fraternity mentors and gift cards.
Sorors from the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. - Theta Omega Chapter are surrounded by the young Black men they honored!
Students put winter break to good use

January 4, 2014 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- Some students are using their winter break from school to take a few classes and learn some new skills in what is being called 'Holiday University."
Most of these students are accustomed to playing video games. But after class, they are well on their way to also creating them. The students are learning computer coding. It's one of three free classes the black star project is offering to students during winter break.
Executive Director Phillip Jackson says the effort is to help close the racial academic achievement gap.
"During the summer, there's this thing called the summer slide where when people don't go to school, they actually lose what they learned during the school year. It's similar for the holidays. So rather than falling behind for two weeks, our young people are moving forward," he said.
Students are also learning black history and financial literacy.
The "Holiday University" is coming to an end, but The Black Star projects offers what they call "Saturday University" which offers tutoring, homework help and other classes at 22 different sites around the Chicago area.
All of the classes are free.
Click Here to Read Full Story and See Video News Presentation
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Broadway in Bronzeville
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