DuSomething PROFOUND!
The DuSable Museum of African American History and The Illinois Amistad Commission is honored to present a special performance of the musical “A Dream Deferred or a Dream Come True?” on Friday, January 17, 2014 from 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM. The event will take place at the Museum which is located at 740 East 56th Place (57th Street and South Cottage Grove Avenue) in Chicago.
Get your tickets today!
Drawing from the memory of all that Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., represented A Dream Deferred or a Dream Come True? delivers a score composed and performed by Ernest Dawkins, which is rooted in the vibrant, constantly evolving musical traditions of the African American community. It fosters a critical engagement with the centuries old tradition of Black oration that first shook the walls of slavery and to do this Dawkins has positioned the performance poetry of Khari B, a powerful visionary voice at the core of Live: The Spirit Ensemble.
One of the life goals of Ernest Dawkins is for his music and compositions to reflect the evolving collective cultural memory of the American jazz aesthetic. Dawkins is one of the world’s premiere saxophonists and composers. He is an entrepreneur with years of experience working with new media technologies to produce and promote his work and that of the jazz community online and in digital venues.
He is leader of several ensembles, including the New Horizons Ensemble, Aesop Quartet, Chicago Trio, Live The Spirit Big Band and the Chicago 12. Dawkins has created commissioned works for the Black Metropolis Research Consortium, Sons d’Hiver Festival, Banilues Bleus Festival, the Jazz Institute of Chicago, and the King Arts Complex of Columbus, Ohio.
Khari B. is a spoken word musician and educator working internationally as both a performer and instructor in the literary arts. With a reputation for unveiling powerful performances with intense instrumental accompaniment, Khari B.’s energetic nature is inextricably tied to growing up in Chicago’s ‘House Music’ scene and being the son of two educators, one being acclaimed woodwindist Mwata Bowden. His inspirational and mentally rousing work has been requested across the globe staking out a place in the hearts of audiences and appealing to a diversity of fans, spanning multiple ages and ethnicities.
Tickets for“A Dream Deferred or a Dream Come True” are priced at $20 per person and available online, or by calling 773-947-0600.
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