Project Readiness Workshops
March 11, June 10, November 11
Acquire the tools to begin your organization's affordable housing project. Offered several times throughout the year, this is a one-day primer on affordable housing development for community practitioners. Register now for March 11!
Housing Cooperatives and Communities Potluck
August, date TBD
A free, half-day opportunity to meet and network with emerging and veteran co-op organizations from throughout the Chicago area. Topics will include fair housing law and practice, understanding your financial statements, and building group consensus. Bring a dish to pass and join us!
Building for Sustainability Workshop
September 11-12
A compact, two-day overview of affordable green design and development. The class is held at the Chicago Center for Green Technology and may be eligible for continuing education credit.
Sustainable Builders Working Group
Every other month, beginning in February
The Sustainable Builders Working Group is a dynamic, informal gathering of community development practitioners and partners working to encourage, effectively implement and operate sustainability features at the project and community level. Contact the workshop coordinator to be added to the mailing list.
Small Contractor Bridge informational session
February 19, 3:00-5:00 p.m., Prairie State College, Chicago Heights
Future dates TBD
This free session will provide contractors a more in-depth understanding of the Small Contractor Bridge program. All organizations involved in the transaction will briefly discuss their roles during the session. Please note that registration is required; register here.
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