Hadiya Pendleton:
murdered honors student
and symbol of Chicago violence
Karen McVeigh - New York
31 January 2013
She was the 42nd gun death victim in Chicago this year, a 15-year-old girl in the "wrong place at the wrong time", according to police. Now the killing of Hadiya Pendleton, an honours student, shot dead just days after performing at President Obama's inauguration, has become a symbol of the city's stubbornly high murder rate amid a national debate over gun control.
Hadiya, a student at the elite Kings College prep school and majorette in the school's marching band, performed with her classmates at several inauguration events last week in Washington. She dreamed of going to Northwestern University and talked about becoming a pharmacist, a journalist, or maybe a lawyer, according to the Chicago Tribune.
She was shot dead on Tuesday afternoon after school, sheltering from torrential rain sweeping Obama's home town in a park in the South Side with a group of friends, police said.
The area, which is three blocks from Hadiya's school and about a mile from the president's home, is a known gang hangout, and police believe she and her friends were mistaken for rivals.
Click Here to Read Full Story
Tune In to Listen to
Pastor Corey Brooks
"AKA - The Roof Top Preacher
And the Gang Funeral Pastor"
Phillip Jackson
Educate or Die!!!
At Issue
Sunday, February 3, 2013
with Mike Krauser
9:30 am on WBBM-AM Click Here to Stream
9:30 pm on WBBM-AM Click Here to Stream
11:30 pm on the SCORE-670-AM - Click Here
Listen to Pastor Corey Brooks and Phillip Jackson talk about solutions to youth violence in America and creating high educational achievement, especially among African American students. Please call 773.285.9600 for more information about The Black Star Project.
Tune In to Listen to
Black Tiger Moms
Saturday, February 2, 2013
6:00 PM Chicago Time
On WVON -1690 AM
These Black mothers will do anything to protect their children and ensure that their children receive an outstanding education. Listen to their keys to success for their children.
Join us at 7:00 pm Eastern; 6:00 pm Central; 5:00 pm Mountain; 4:00 pm Pacific; 3:00 pm Alaskan; 2:00 pm Hawaiian. Listener Call-In Number 773-591-1690
Listen to The Black Star Project's
Internationally Acclaimed Radio Program
The Parent Revolution
Every Saturday on WVON 1690AM
Click Here to Tune In.
The Black Star Project thanks the Board of Directors of The Field Foundation of Illinois, Illinois State Senator Jacqueline Y. Collins and Illinois State Senator Kimberly A. Lightford for their generous support for our parenting programs.
Please call 773.285.9600 for more information about The Black Star Project.
A Great Night of Chess
for Fathers and Their Families
The Black Star Project
on January 30, 2013
Join us February 27, 2013 for our next Fathers and Families Chess Night. Fathers, men, their children and spouses are encouraged to attend this event. Please call 773.285.9600 for more information.
There are those who cry, complain and lament the destruction of Black boys in the American education system and, on the other hand, there are those who do something about it.
In February 2013, 50 Saturday Universities will open around the country that will focus on best practices for teaching Black boys and young men. We need you to open a Saturday University in your school, church, community or city for Black Boys and young men?
Here is why you need a Saturday University for Black Boys.
Low educational achievement among Black boys and young men feeds high educational failure, high unemployment, high incarceration, a propensity towards violence and high mortality in Black boys and young men. Please call 773.285.9600 to get a free organizing guide and technical assistance to start a Saturday University in your school, church, community or city.
Equal Internet Access
Is a K-12 Must-Have
By Helen Brunner
January 30, 2013
The days when spiral notebooks, No. 2 pencils, and a backpack full of textbooks served as the mainstays of the American classroom are rapidly giving way to a new school environment. Interactive whiteboards, online classes, streaming lectures, and digital textbooks are revolutionizing the way students learn and communicate with their teachers. Technology is blurring the brick-and-mortar boundaries of learning in 21st-century schools.
As a result, access to the Internet has become a need-to-have-not just a nice-to-have-when it comes to student success. After all, according to documents the Federal Communications Commission's broadband task force released in 2009, about 70 percent of teens said the Internet had been their primary source for a recent school project, and at least 65 percent went online at home to complete their homework. Teachers routinely assign homework that requires Internet use to complete, and more than half of American schools expect to adopt e-textbooks in the next two to three years.
But with this increased reliance on the Internet as a basic resource in our education system, we can't forget about the infrastructure that makes it all possible. We must ensure that all students-no matter their location or socioeconomic status-have access to affordable, reliable high-speed Internet both in and outside the classroom.
Even if students have reliable Internet access at school, many become digitally disconnected once they leave. This is especially true for those who live in rural or low-income communities, and it makes their homework harder to complete.
Click Here to Read Full Article
Calling All Fathers, Stepfathers, Foster Fathers, Grandfathers, Godfathers, Uncles, Brothers and Male Caregivers!
The Black Star Project's
Million Fathers Club
to see the best
Men's College Basketball (FREE)
University of Illinois Chicago Flames
Cleveland State University Vikings
Saturday, February 2, 2013
The UIC Pavilion
525 S. Racine Street
Chicago, Illinois
Game starts at 7:00 pm.
The Black Star Project has transportation from our offices at 3509 South King Drive, Chicago, Illinois, to and from the game.
Please call 773.285.9600 to RSVP or for more information about this game. Men and women of all races, ethnicities and faith backgrounds may and should attend this event with their children.
In Chicago, We Will Help
Fund and Open at Least 100 Bank Accounts for Children and Youth with Money Provided by Black Star Project Supporters and the Monroe Foundation
Stephanie D. Neely
Treasurer, City of Chicago
The Monroe Foundation
in the
Program Starts at 9:00 am
Press Conference at 9:30 am
1000 East 87th Street
Chicago, Illinois
The Monroe Foundation seeks 100 low-income families to open accounts for 100 children at Guaranty Bank, First Midwest Bank, Marquette Bank and PNC Bank for up to 2 children/minors/young adults under 18 at this event
Please joined with City of Chicago Treasurer Stephanie D. Neely, to "kick-off" the campaign, "EVERY CHILD NEEDS A SAVINGS ACCOUNT". Parents and guardians must attend with their children and sign appropriate papers.
Please call 773-315-9720 to RSVP or email
omonroe@themonroefoundation.org for more information.
Daughters Grab Your Fathers for
The Black Star Project's
Million Fathers Club
2013 Daddy Daughter Dance
Saturday, February 9, 2013
1:00 pm to 3:30 pm
The Black Star Ballroom
3509 South King Drive
Chicago, Illinois
Young women 4- to 14-years old are invited to dress up and show their fathers a good time at The Black Star Project's 5th Annual Daddy Daughter Dance. Cost $30.00 per couple and $5.00 per extra young lady. Please call 773.285.9600 to register your couple or to get a free organizing kit to bring the Daddy Daughter Dance to your city. Attire: Dress To Impress
Music - Dancing - Food - Fun - Crafts - Pictures!!!
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