Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Blog Question

Do you think the crime wave in Chatham is caused by the fact that 13 of every 100 black teens are employed versus 49 of every 100 white affluent teens in Chicago? Leave your comments on the comment line.


JP Paulus said...

Sole cause?

Absolutely not. Certainly a contributing factor...but other things, such as lack of youth clubs, mentors, people like us wasting time writing on blogs instead of actually talking with teens....

informed citizen said...

Yes, unemployment in any venue is a reason for an increase in crime. People want and need things and conclude that the only way to accomplish this is to commit a crime to accomplish this end. Chatham is no exception. Teenagers need guidance as well as jobs. They need to stop wanting for everything. Parents need to step up and work with their children for them to understand that most things in life are not needs....but wants!