Monday, February 11, 2013



                        FOR THE FUTURE

The Chatham Avalon Park Community Council  a 58 year old Not-For-Profit Community Based Grass Roots Corporation works for you addressing (QUALITY OF LIFE ISSUES). Our Board of Directors are optimistic, commited & prepared to continue to fight for our Basic values & Core principles: Equality, Freedom, Respect, Justice, Liberty, Economic Empowerment, Inclusion, as we move forward to address the Quality of Life issues that impact the Chatham service area: 75th Street to 87th Street, Cottage Grove to State Street. We our  executing  our 2013 action plan to improve & substain our viable community. We invite you to join us as we endeavor to do so. Each of us can participate by getting involved and becoming part of the solution, not  part of the problem. It doesn't matter if you rent , own or run a businesses in the area, or if you are male of female, african american, or other we are all stakeholders, let's  collaborate.  It's up to each of us to how we will volunteer or participate to improve our blocks, our chatham community, our Chicago to make it safer, more livable, viable, creating more   employment & economic opportunities for the generations that will come behind us. Are you willing to serve and work for the greater good of the entire community. What will you do to improve the quality of life of others ?  Time out for excuses. Let's get it done.  The future of our families and community depends on our actions going forward. We have quite a journey ahead. At CAPCC  Our Vision is  20/20, we will continue to serve our community.  Can we count on you ?


      Addressing Quality of Life Issues Is

                              since 1955



Keith O Tate,                          Maryellen Drake

President                                 Executive Vice Pres.


The Chatham Avalon Park Community Council   

                     Board of Directors                      













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